
The week in review 今週の感想



It was a very fun week at English Island. It'd been 2 weeks since I'd seen everyone. Seeing everyone again really put my heart at ease, I am surprised to know how much meeting everyone each and every week has become something I not only look forward to, but without it, I feel downright uneasy. In the classroom now, we are playing various board games for review of the body, health, and talking about appearances. The kids are amazing me with their ability. They are great!!!  If you have the time, come visit!!!  見学どうぞ!





And back again...

Today is the second day of rain camping. We travelled south from Nijibetsu through Kushiro and down the coast. After crossing the last bit of the Hidaka mountains we stayed the night here in Samani. It isn't raining now, but it doesn't look like the sun will be out anytime soon.

I was very surprised at the number of deer we saw on the way over the mountains in the afternoon. We must have seen a hundred deer!!! I bought deer meat (venison) at the Shiranuka and also deer ham. We had it last night and it was really good, no gamey taste at all. The highlight was definitely the red crested cranes (丹頂鶴) The Hokkaido prefectural bird made many appearances and we even saw two of them do a courting dance.

Anyway, I'll be back in the classroom tonight and I am looking forward to a great fall and I'd like to do some things outside of the classroom for the kids too. It's time to be back home already, but this daily pattern of relaxation and play was nice while it lasted.



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Summer Camping

Now that I have learned how to blog and upload snapshots from a mobile, I hope to be more active here on the englishislander blog.

As for today, I am still on the road and I have reached Nijibetsu just in front of the rain that was forecasted for today and tomorrow. We are all set up for a drizzly day tomorrow.



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Location:虹別 Nijibetsu, East Hokaaido

浜中町 キャンプ



This place is not bad, but the soft serve ice cream is out of this world!!!

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Summer Vacation

I am now traveling by car and trailer around East Hokkaido with my family. On the first night we stayed in the parking lot of an Onsen Hotel. During the day we played tennis and of course took a hot spring at the hotel. The next day we headed out toward Oneto lake and we took another hot spring at a ryokan there.

The smell of sulfur and gasoline and no place to wash was different. I was the only one there and the only time I've ever had such a looooong private bath. The next day Kai and I climbed Mt. Meakkan.

Today is the morning of the fourth day. Last night we stayed in a parking lot in Hamanaka Town. We are going to head into Nemuro and then up to Nijibetsu for the last three nights.

I'm enjoying the time away but I am also looking forward to a fresh start after the break too.





We are in the middle of summer in Hokkaido now.  The kids are talking about camping, swimming, and going to Grandma's house.  My mother has returned to Hawaii after a two week visit. Thanks to everyone for showing such great hospitality.  She says she had fun.

Recently, I can think of only one thing             ...beer.

Beer Gardenly,
