
Office Day

There are no lessons at English Island today.

It has been an undeniable pleasure getting to know all the new faces at English Island this year.  I vow not only to encourage their energy and enthusiasm for learning but to increase it. Today I will plan lessons, organize files, and hopefully have some time left over for making some discoveries that will  make learning English even more fun.

Having said that, back to work!!!



Midsummer's Night Dream

 I went to Numata last weekend.  To be honest, I didn't expect much, but I was moved!  
It was not the scene I had expected.  The dark skies were filled with small glowing 
lights and they lit the forest so that I felt I was standing in the middle of
Tinkerbell's village.  I  strongly recommend visiting Numata during this season
if your heart still entertains romance.  
In other news the garden outside the classroom window has matured a little.
You are welcome to steal from it when I'm not looking...  I'll know you've read this.笑

Summer heat zaps energy and makes delightful sweets all the more appreciated.
Time to get to the gym and make this count for energy and  not blubber. 
 It was delicious.  Thank you!!





I admit that I wasn't exactly sure who the leader of Exile was. I admit that I didn't know Atsushi was the singer along with Takahiro.  I did know one of the dancers was named Usa and another was named Akira.

Thanks to Kai and the Donk modeling agency, I was given the opportunity to attend the event at Sapporo Dome put on by Exile. My wife thought it would be a good idea to go.  Not wanting to be the party pooper, I went along.  Apparently, she was moved and is now considering joining the fan club in an effort to get nearer the stage.  Hopefully, this fever will pass and we can get back to life without Exile.

Not that it wasn't a great show.  I'm sure many people like that kind of thing; apparently 4 million people went to the shows held on Saturday and Sunday.  It's not that I don't like soul or funk or rap, I do!  I've never really listened to Exile and to be honest, I don't know what they are singing about.  Maybe I could listen more closely.  Then again, I have a lot of things going on!

Today marks the start of July and all the topics change!  Also a new topic for the older kids is in the works.  I'm searching for a foreign school to hook up with and share projects on ePals.com.

Let's have a great July.

