

To say that it's been a while is unnecessary.  It's been forever and then some.  By listing all the things that have gone down in the last 3 years surely I'll be forgiven for not blogging.

The crippling arrhythmia that had me suffering and in and out of the hospital for four years just went away.  It just went away. It must have been MANapause or some panty disease like that.

My mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and she passed away 2 years ago.  She faced her final time here on earth admirably and with a grace that leaves me with respect and humility.  I am in deep gratitude for all the kindness and love she gave to me for more than 25 years.  She will be missed.

My son got married.  He also had a wedding ceremony and then promptly left for Australia on a working holiday.  He's still there, but will be back shortly. I'm extremely happy for him and his wife is a charming and talented young woman.

About a year and a half after my mother-in-law passed away, my
father-in-law joined his wife. I'm sure they are wise cracking at each other
and playing hanafuda on the other side.  Aloha 'oe a hui hou.

I work alone nowadays except for Hitomi who helps me in the younger kid's
lessons.  It's less stressful, less fun, and maybe less educational for me to
work alone and to be honest, I miss all the great people who have helped
out at the school in the past.  I'm busier now than ever before and not
having time for this blog is obvious.

That's it.  Those are my excuses for not keeping a running blog talking about the things going on at the school.  I think that a blog that almost nobody reads is not really important. That's another reason for the lack of posts recently.  I was updating my HP which really needs a complete makeover and stumbled onto the relic that BLOGGER is here for me.  I decided that today I have time and that I'll post one and run.  I've been snowboarding a little more recently.  I'm still the eternal beginner and doubt I'll ever be able to boast any skill, but the exercise does me good and my snowboard friends are generous enough to let me tag along. The video is from a famous mountain near Kiroro.  Best run of the season for me so far...


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