The summer this year was one of the hottest I can remember from my 30 summers in Hokkaido. It was a busy and overall a fun time, exercising, camping, but most of all running the school. I've always been a camper but I have to admit that it wasn't my favorite activity and I prefer to hike, cycle, or even kayak. Camping for us involves bringing all the creature comforts we have to a nature setting and mimicking the exact lifestyle we have at home, but just not at home. Until now, I felt this to be a silly pursuit and a mind boggling hassle. I realized I disliked the way we were camping and the non camp items we camped with. I have started to collect camp goods, upgrading my camping set-up and have become dangerously close to being a camp geek.
The DOD Okura Tarp
This tarp is a recent upgrade. Flame retardant, waterproof, and UV ray bloccking featuresmake my old tarp look like a bedsheet.