

This winter has been a mild one as far as snowfall, yet I've been feeling the cold.

The number of back country skiers in Hokkaido has been on the rise.   Getting into the wilderness and enjoying the white paradise and plush powder zones of Hokkaido is a newly booming business.  I include myself in the novice rankings of back country athletes as I have been in the know now for only five years now.  In those five years I have probably developed at a less than average pace and still feel a little nervous and even overwhelmed at times.

Thus far, I have relied on my friends too much and have resolved to become a more competent mountain guy this year.  Some things I do take are emergency sheets, rope, and a dry base layer.  Some things I don't take are a method for starting a fire, enough food, or maps.

Recent events have made me realize that I need to reassess those items.  There was a close friend who led a group up behind one of the ski resorts here.  The weather turned bad and they wound up sleeping on the mountain.  It must have been a long (13 hour) night.  I know they are a tough set of individuals with vast more mountain experience than I have.  They came down the next day without any trouble other than serious fatigue.  They hadn't planned nor prepared for spending the night on the mountain.  If it had been me, I can't be certain I would be able to tough that it out in style. I'd probably resemble that lad over there on the right. --->

Anyway... be careful.



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