
Video Games

I think it is pretty ironic that we buy our children these portable games and begrudge their use. I don't know how many adults use portable games here in Japan, but I'm guessing more than a handful use them. I occasionally see parents waiting in the car to pick up their kids from lessons playing these handheld games. Personally, I have spurts of use and then long spells where I don't touch them t all. I remember Contra by Nintendo and spending far too much time trying to get to the heart of the alien that lived in the jungle!

I put up some online flash versions of a few of the games from the eighties and early nineties. Give them a run, but don't play too much, you may develop tendinitis.




A Great Wedding

It was an absolutely beautiful ceremony. I hope these two can find a way to stay this happy for a long, long time. Congratulations to Rhys and Asuka. We'll handle the ship without you this week. Enjoy the time with your family!


Did it...

It's up. Check out the new desiiign.





The kids in Kitano were great today. They are SOOOO cute!! We previewed the Millionaire Quiz Show material and I have a pretty good idea where each class is at and what I should have them do to get the most out of the exercise. I spent the evening chatting about TESOL. One of the people who attend lessons here is a JHS English teacher and we invariably talk about work. I always worry about boring my students as any self-centered, slightly conscious of the world around him, middle-aged foreigner living in Sapporo would and should be. I am aware that the 英会話 business topic is O.B., but it seems O.K. to bring it out in our musings about education. Hope I didn't overdo it...

In other news, the new website might be up in the next week or so!!! I'm rolling along and if there aren't any major snags I can imagine changing over the top page as early as Sunday.





Kitano Boys

I love these kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Burn Out...

I feel it coming, I really do. The end is nowhere in sight but I have this overwhelming feeling I can do it and I will come out of this just fine. I'm starting to obsess over renewing the site. I put up some new maps today. If you are not sure where we are or perhaps where you are, these maps will surely be helpful. I haven't quite mastered the technique of map making, but I made a crude attempt and it seemed better than what I had previously written so... there they are.

So back to what I said about feeling it coming. Burnout... I haven't been exercising. I just fold my legs and type, click and puzzle during every free second of the day. Those free seconds are pretty liberal recently. Obon or summer vacation hasn't quite finished yet and a lot of the kids aren't showing up. Popularity dysfunction or they are all just busy. Hope it's the latter. Almost midnight and I think I'll call it a day. In the off chance somebody reads and actually understands what I am typing here. The web address is http://www.englishisland.jpCheck the maaaaps...



The Heat Continues

Back at the helm here at 札幌北区英会話 paradise イングリッシュアイランド。 I was hammering on the keyboard all last night until midnight and I finally came up with 14 pages of questions for the Sports Trivia Challenge. The questions may not be exactly easy but the answers are pretty obvious and if everyone buckles down and concentrates or better yet, uses powers of deduction, we'll be just fine. I know it's a lot of material but I don't expect anyone to study it! BUT!!! If someone does try to study it all, it won't be hard to remember the correct answer. I am trying to develop the kid's なんとなく感 and have a good time doing it. Let me know what you think...

Check the PDF File





I got back last night, but I have to admit I was in no condition to do any happy computing last night. It was an exhausting three nights. I played more tennis in the last three days than I have ever played before. That's not saying much as I have never been much of a tennis player.
As I debate the highlight of the trip I post one picture that makes me appreciate living in Hokkaido! Haboro has the best kaisendon I've ever feasted on...



Obon Holiday

I guess most people take a few days off in the summer here in Japan. I usually take a week off from lessons. Over half the kids and some of the adults can't come. This cause a pretty big disruption when everyone scrambles for make-up lessons. There isn't really anything for me to do during overpriced and overcrowded Obon. It's Wednesday and I am here at my desk as usual. Only difference is I haven't shaved, I'm wearing shorts, and I'm thinking about going for a drive if the weather improves. My son Kai was supposed to have a tennis match today and I was really looking forward to watching him compete, but it looks as though it has been cancelled.
I had big plans! I bought the new version of Home Page Builder and mad a few attempts at a page. It's not bad, but I don't have it under control quite yet. I also want to finish up the kids videos. I should probably do that before I forget what little I managed to learn about Movie Maker. Software is getting easier to use, I admit, but mastering it is another story it seems. Finally, THINK TRIVIA is my new motto. I have discovered there is a lot of flexibility within this trivia theme to teach some useful patterns for communication.
I'll report back when I have something worth saying.



Feelin' dizzy...

It's been so hot lately. Yesterday was a solid 35℃and nice n' muggy. I didn't spend much time outside. I don't know if I am under the weather or just suffering from the heat. Next week is a holiday here at english island and most people will at least take a few days off next week for visiting graves and maybe family who haven't gone to the grave yet. イングリッシュアイランド英会話教室 is not going to be resting though. I have a million things to do!

∵ First, I have to finish editing all the famous people project videos.
∵ Second, I have to finish (start) the Millonaire Sports Trivia for the next month.
(I tried explaining but the kids couldn't seem to imagine
what I am trying to do. I have to get some kind of English
down on paper so they can get a clear image.)
∵ Third, I have to decide what to do about my struggling and inefficient website.

After writing the list down, it doesn't seem so bad. If I can get some help on the last one there, I might even be able to take one or two days off too. I hope the heat wave breaks, but it's going to rain like hell when it does. It's so humid here. People often say "ハワイみたいな天気ですね。なれているんでしょう。。。" For the record, I have never expereinced weather this humid in my life.





Playing or watching sports must be one of the greatest pleasures in my life. There are few sports that I don't enjoy either watching or playing. When I was a kid, I played football on the street in front of my house whenever enough kids could be found to get a game up. At about seven years old I got the golf bug and haven't been able to quit successfully since then. In high school I found basketball and Michael Jordan became my hero. At university in California I discovered LaCrosse and it still remains one of my favorite sports, even though I haven't touched a stick for years. However, my favorite sport is snowboarding, hands down. I'll never be any good at snowboarding I guess. I don't make any double mctwistees or pull 360's. In fact, I recently started hiking up and then coming down only once so you could probably say I am more of a hiker than a snowboarder. Just thinking about snowboarding makes me want to get out and train. I think I'll go for a run before lunch...Looks like it's going to be a hot one today!




Ryo Ishikawa

I'm heading out in to the rain and the bad weather. I am going to go walk around Otaru. I wouldn't do that if I didn't have a very good reason. I am going to watch Ryokun. He was absolutlely phenomenal last year when I went and I guess I shouldn't let him down. I'm taking a big umbrella!

