

Playing or watching sports must be one of the greatest pleasures in my life. There are few sports that I don't enjoy either watching or playing. When I was a kid, I played football on the street in front of my house whenever enough kids could be found to get a game up. At about seven years old I got the golf bug and haven't been able to quit successfully since then. In high school I found basketball and Michael Jordan became my hero. At university in California I discovered LaCrosse and it still remains one of my favorite sports, even though I haven't touched a stick for years. However, my favorite sport is snowboarding, hands down. I'll never be any good at snowboarding I guess. I don't make any double mctwistees or pull 360's. In fact, I recently started hiking up and then coming down only once so you could probably say I am more of a hiker than a snowboarder. Just thinking about snowboarding makes me want to get out and train. I think I'll go for a run before lunch...Looks like it's going to be a hot one today!



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